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Assignment 2- summary



Partihallarna, Marieholm. In this area there was a construction project between 2008-2011. Tyrens AB made some measurments on the concentration of zinc, lead and copper in groundwater and sediment during this project. 


Aim of assignment 2:

The purpuse for assignment 2 is to evalute which parameters who is the most important for spreading of pollutants in a contaminaded groundwater. To do this we used the model bioscreen to calcutae seepage velocity. 


Our question formulation for this assignment:

Which parameters have most influence on the spreading of pollutants in a contaminated groundwater?


Results from Bioscreen:

- A rise in hydraulic conductivity increase seepage velocity.

- Higher hydraulic gradient increase seepage velocity.

- Porosity had a negative correlation to seepace velocity. 



When testing different porosity percentage we also change fraction organic carbon so that  an increase in porosity gives a decrease in foc. This due to receive an accurate result as possible. 

The most influence parameters seems to be porosity and hydraulic conducitvity. 

The hydraulic conductivity gives a value of the capacity for the sediment to transport water. Therefore an increase in hydraulic conductivity is expected to give a higher seepage veolcity. With this you can presume that the contaminats in the groundwater gets an increased dispersal. 

We discussed about the negative correlation between porosity and seepage velocity and think the reason for this is that a sediment with higher porosity can hold more water and therefore more pollutants than a sediment with lower porosity. 



Barthel, Roland. (2015). Topic T03 Basic concepts of Hydrogeology (PowerPoint presentation) Hämtad 2016-02-01


Lundgren, Anna. (2013). Groundwater flow and quality in the vicinity of an urbanised part of the SäveÃ¥n stream, Gothenburg. Göteborgs Universitet (Examensarbete inom institutionen för geovetenskaper)


Zackrisson, Eric. (2012). Groundwater Metal Concentrations in Relation to Contaminated Soil and Construction: A case study of the Partihallarna E45 Project. Göteborgs Universitet. (Examensarbete inom institutionen för geovetenskaper)


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